- Wine
I prefer white over red wine.
Caution: Stop having sips when you’re already very sleepy. Reason? One time I dozed off as the the lip of the wine glass touched my open mouth. Luckily, not much spill to ruin my bed sheets. And it happened again on a different night. Go, figure!
- TV set on
I usually watch pre-recorded programs. And when I have watched all, I check out Netflix, YouTube, and other channels. The boring content or the white noise usually does the trick. Unfortunately, I either have nightmares associated with what is on. Or, I get involved in conversation with host/guest while asleep or as I awake.
And, what about wasted wattage to pay for at the end of the month, you might ask?
- Prayers
Since I am Catholic, I start out with the Sign of the Cross and then followed by 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, and 1 Glory Be. I am usually asleep before I make the final sign of the cross.
Do I then dream being in heaven? Hmmm…
- Fragrant flowers on night stand
There is nothing like a fragrant flower in a shallow bowl on my night stand. The fragrance elicits beautiful images conducive to falling asleep. And to wake up to sweet smell caressing your nose is a good way to start the day.
The only thing is, I have to wait till spring when my gardenia, hyacinths, lilies of the valley, and viburnums bloom.
- Posturepedic adjustable bed
Head and leg lifts make for a comfortable in-bed position.
However, I usually wake up with a sore back. And, sometimes I find myself all curled up, perpendicularly, in the crease.
- Socks
There is nothing like warm feet while in bed during cold season. A pair of white athletic socks does wonder. Who cares about sock marks in the morning? Do you?
- Visualization
“Inhaling” green air and following the stream as it travels through entire body, from head to toe, is very effective. I usually conk out before my toes turn green.
- Electronic gadgetry
Having accessible iPhone and mini Apple laptop are great electronic aids.
Clearing candy pieces on Candy Crush or last-minute checks for FaceBook entries, News of the Day, e-mail, or texts is a surefire sail to dreamland.
What about you? Is there anything you can add to the list?