Have you ever stopped to realize how lucky are we being admidst things that appeal to our senses which cost practically nothing?
The list is endless:
- Aroma from a nearby bakery, restaurant, or fragrance store
- Birds chirping the arrival of spring
- Blue sky with just a wisp of cloud
- Breezy shade on a hot humid day
- Crisp sounds of our steps on graveled or twig-strewn path
- Dreams that tell wonderful stories
- Hilarious, thoughtful, or caring, emojis and gifs
- Exhilarating colors that spring brings
- Extra seconds at pedestrian crossings
- Eye-catching images on billboards
- Faces of the moon uncovered by a passing cloud
- Free petite food samples
- Generous drivers giving their right of way
- Gentle drift of thick snowflakes
- Hello, smile,or nod from a friendly passerby
- Hugs that take our breath away
- Light rain on our faces
- Musical notes that touch our hearts
- Remembering a lovely occasion from the past
- Rustling of leaves perking up our ears
- Seven colors of a fleeting rainbow
- Smell of earthy scent after a rain
- Soothing tears streaming down our faces
- Sounds/thoughts of memories past
- Stars lighting up our deep milky way
- Streaks of sunlight fading in the horizon
- Startling feel-good-flutter of our heart
- Touch of I-am-here-for-you comfort
- Unexpected text, card or ”hello” from a long-lost friend
- Surprising finds on the ground
- Wagging of a soft-eyed dog’s tail
- You’re-okay smile from a cop
- ZZZs after a frenetic day