I have had a 45-gallon freshwater aquarium full of goldfish for years.
It has provided me with continued source of beauty, bewilderment, and inspiration.
However, having one requires hard work too. Aquarium maintenance involves a lot of elbow grease – suctioning the waste and dirt off the substrate (gravel in mine); replacing the water; scraping algae off the sides, plants (plastic), and stones; removing and cleaning the external canister filter, etc.
Nevertheless, the hard work is far outweighed by the pleasant company that the aquarium provides me with.
I can get lost in an aquatic reverie as I soak in the whirring sound of the external filter, the sight of the incessant upward flow of different-sized air bubbles, and the view of the manmade aquascape.
Significantly, it is the presence of the goldfish that completes the aquatic atmosphere.
Of varying sizes, shapes, and color, they move effortlessly and graciously wherever their fins direct them to. So captivating and lulling is the sight and sound that I found myself falling asleep on my computer desk chair on some occasions.
I have always wanted to share information about my aquarium and now that I have all the time in the world being a retiree, I have started creating YouTube videos showcasing it.
I have listed below the links to the two videos that I have posted so far. May you find viewing them entertaining and informational.