He was the “IT” when they played hide-and-seek one afternoon.
“Count up to 100, okay?” instructed his oldest brother.
“1, 2, 3…” he started with his hands covering his eyes and proceeded as if he was praying. “…98, 99, 100. I’m coming to get you!” he yelled and then quickly opened his eyes.
Everything seemed quiet all of a sudden. The neighborhood, usually teeming with boisterous kids, was still. There was hardly any movement, except for the gentle swaying of the nearby coconut tree.
He blinked and squinted to allow his eyes to get used to the late afternoon light after having them closed for counting that long.
“I am going to find them!” he uttered.
Standing still, he looked around to get his bearings and then started with his search.
“Could they be around the corner of the house?” he whispered as he tiptoed towards it.
No one!
“What about behind the large rain barrel?”
Getting more determined now, he rushed from one point to another:
• bushes
• clusters of trees
• vegetable garden
• mound of rocks
• stack of old tires
• heap of rusty metal scraps
Still no one!
He ventured across the street to get a panoramic view of all the possible hiding places, hoping to catch someone.
No dice!
“Hmm…where else could they be?” he mumbled as he sat on a big rock, still alert, wishing that he might catch a glimpse of unknowing hiders.
“What was that?” he rushed around the corner after hearing some noise.
Not a soul! Not even a shadow!
“Aha!” he exclaimed as he approached the coconut tree knowing that some were good climbers.
With neck craned back, he circled the tree, expecting to see legs or arms.
“Oh, no!” his shoulders slumped. Hanging were bunches of coconuts. And, nothing else!
It was getting dark, the fireflies and crickets heralding the coming of night.
He decided to go home.
“Where have you been?” his mother asked.
“Oh, playing hide-and-seek,” he replied, dragging his tired feet inside the house.
Suddenly, he heard a chorus of laughter! His three brothers were at the dinner table giggling!
“You were still out there?” the oldest brother crowed. “We all decided to go home a long time ago!”
He froze. His jaw dropped and his forehead creased. Tears welled up in his eyes.