I offered to take my three female friends to the nearby mall for a bubble tea treat as we were finishing a celebratory birthday lunch for one of them at…
I offered to take my three female friends to the nearby mall for a bubble tea treat as we were finishing a celebratory birthday lunch for one of them at…
It was a glorious winter day when I went to the library smelling like Irish Spring, sporting a new self-buzz cut; trimmed goatee and mustache; and handlebars, curled with the…
It was decades ago, when our hospital had two large outdoor planters by the lobby. Annually, geese came to lay their eggs in them. Visitors, patients, and employees invariably gawked…
“Hey!” yelled a voice behind him. He stopped and turned around. It was from a girl, just about as tall as he, her sparkling eyes complimenting her ear-to-ear grin. His…