The 3-part vlog series is about a chance encounter with mourning doves, their nest, and their babies just outside my back door.
Find out how I discovered the presence of the nest, how I earned their trust, how I made myself feel close to them, especially the babies, and how they entertained me for a brief period in the spring.
During that short time, I learned a lot about mourning doves, particularly in differentiating the male from female relative to size, color, specific calls and nesting shift rotation. I must say that it wasn’t until much later that I realized which one was the mom or the dad since they rarely were together to provide contrast between them.
And, I got so close to them, particularly the babies. I sorely missed them when they left the nest. I occasionally see them, either together or alone, and they appear to still recognize me. They continue to allow me to get close to them.
Here are the names that I gave them:
“Dovina” for the mother
“Perchcoo” for the father
“Coo” for the older baby
“Woo” for the younger baby
I do hope that you enjoy the vlogs.
Just click on the links below:
The Beginning:
The Middle:
The End: