Got hung up on watching mouse traps on YouTube on my Samsung 49-inch TV screen till 3 am in the morning. Please don’t ask me why I have weird idiosyncrasies!
So, instead of perusing a 2-inch thick biography, I found watching videos of mouse traps more intriguing.
There wasn’t much light source for reading was my flimsy excuse to switch my attention to boob tube offerings.
“Why did I do so?”, you may ask.
Well, maybe it was to find out how ingenious people could be in crafting a “better mouse trap”, from the simplest to the most elaborate doodads.
But, honestly, it was the vicarious thrill of seeing mice (rats, by the size of some of them) being zapped on traps with “live” metal plates, jerking and jumping (almost kamikaze-like) into pails of water, and in the throes of drowning. My mouthing, “You dirty rats!”, á la James Cagney, somehow amping up the sadistic titillation.
It wasn’t until the 100th video (I am exaggerating) that I started to suspect that the rats were not really wild rats but “paid actors”. It was no wonder why there were so many of them lining up, as if waiting for their cues. Why there were non-mouse shadows on the screen? And why were some of them, which were already wet, going through the same dangerous routine?
By the 101st video (again, I am exaggerating), I lost interest. Besides, my eyelids were getting heavier, coupled with exaggerated and teary yawns.
A “ping” iPhone text message from a friend woke me up at 7 am. Decided not to respond since I was still feeling groggy and went back to sleep mumbling. Didn’t get out of bed till 11 am.
Perhaps I should get a better light source by my bed so I could continue reading the 2-inch thick biography. I’ll end up better informed about the person being bio’d instead of watching mindless YouTube videos. My writing and verbal skills might get polished too.
Now, where did I keep the 5 for a dollar snap traps that I got from a dollar store? I seem to have found some teeny mouse droppings in my kitchen. Hmmm…